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Saturday 10 August 2024

Jobs done!

Our flower bed at the rear is back in good shape now:

Then, just a couple of days later, the fencers arrived and erected this:

Both of these contractors got very lucky - as did we. Our neighbour was away on holiday the whole time this was going on. What she'll say about it, we know not. The old fence is still there - on the other side of the new one. Note also that the fencers were good enough to turn round our shed so that it now faces the house and is a little further away from our neighbour's garden.

The downside of all this is that, instead of us sharing a simple fence replacement cost, we now have to face four times the original figure we were going to pay as we asked the fencers to do additional cementing and putting up sleepers to attempt to stop the continual criticism from next door. We do hope it's been worth it but we're both fearful that her next door will continue to find fault. For almost 2 years we tried really hard to get her to agree something but it wasn't happening.

Next contractors on site are Gray & Gray again - pulling down the wall between us and number 5 (who doesn't mind what we do) and erecting a new one, starting Tuesday 20th August after we return from the Fringe next weekend. Before that, we have Mary, Julie and Leo staying with us next Thursday. Meal planned at Derbar that evening with Gary and Luca joining us.

Talking about the Derbar, our monthly visit there with the Kilgours and Masons is going to have to stop. Poor Johanne is now home after almost 2 weeks in hospital following a fall, but is unable to make it to the restaurant any more so we're planning to take the curries to hers on Wednesday 21st August.

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