Good to see Kelly's Blog up and running - I remember going to Driftwood Spars last year - and the crumble looks good, Craig - I remember when we used to get lots of home baked puds - perhaps Jo'll start baking again when she retires this year?
Gary got a bit of a surprise when he went for his medical for his new job on Monday. He was told he had albimin (?) in his urine which he was told could be indicative of a kidney problem. He went back to his own doctor to get this checked out yesterday and it seems the second test was better. Anyway, he still starts with Asco on Monday - this was the surprise offer he got two weeks ago - he had previously accepted a job with another firm - much more money.
It's Friday morning and I'm at home waiting for our new TV to arrive (between 11 and 3 they said). I've been to the Nurse to check out recommendations for immunisation for South Africa - nothing really essential they said, because we're not going up north, although it's advisable to have the usual boosters plus Hep A (or was it B?). Anyway, they've been ordered and I go back next Friday to get the jabs.
No sign of the builders today, but I decided to take look out at the back - the scaffolding is down and I got a bit of a shock when I saw that they had already cut a hole in the wall. We were aware that there was some dust coming in from the windows and they seemed a little loose, but didn't realise they had gone this far - excuse quality of photo - taken with Blackberry and not usual camera.
I'll go in to the office later on after the TV is installed - I cancelled our rental of the old TV and got a surprise call from them yesterday offering me the TV for £50 - I took it, but now wished I'd cancelled the rental ages ago, as I originally planned! Ross was casting envious eyes at the old TV, so I guess he can have it.
Back playing football again tonight - it's been twice a week for the last couple of months. It came as a bit of a shock to the system starting playing again after retiring back in 2000 (all bar a few odd matches). It still hurts, but I'm enjoying it again - one slight downside is that I'm not managing as many gym appearances as I was last year - I don't go on Wednesdays and Fridays now as those are the days I play football - I only seem able to manage on Tuesdays and Thursdays now and the latter one tends to be a light session as I'm still sore from the previous night's football!