Plan B for Monday didn't amount to much - we just stayed home and read whilst Lucy set up Cade's Wii. I nipped out at lunch time to look for golf shoes and to top up our dwindling gin supplies - liver transplant required soon - and when I got back, Scott was home - nothing for him to do at work so he set about putting up a couple of trestles to plant more honeysuckle on and create a more dense barrier between them and their (rental) neighbours.
We ate early and set off to Rogue River for the start of (American) football training for Cade. He had to do laps then refresh himself at the water fountain:

He received his cleats (top) - as above. This week is all about "conditioning" - they worked the kids pretty hard in the heat. After 5 days of this, they get put in to teams and handed their helmets, which they practice in next week, with full contact not taking place until the following week.
It's all very well organised - just like the BMX - and it's in a beautiful setting - parents can just sit and watch and take in the scenery:

They moved around the field to different coaches and differing sets of exercises - this was one of them:
He did OK at that one and wasn't too bad with the ball in his hand:
By the end, however, he was on his last legs and the bear crawl proved a bridge too far for him:
When we got home, Cade just about had enough strength left to play Wii golf with his brother - albeit sitting down!: