Anyway, the diary next - what did we do on Tuesday? Not a lot - but that's OK. Jo and I were sitting the kids - I ran Lucy to work and she cycled home again. We did a grocery shop at Fred Meyer - and I took 10 minutes out to look for new shorts (did I tell you that the ones I brought here were irreperably ripped in the butt when Lucy put them in the washing machine in Florida?) - and new sandals. In the end, I got neither - need more time - or for Jo to be with me to help out - another time perhaps. I did pick up a belt however - but that's all.
Late afternoon it was the pool again, then, in the evening, Cade had his BMX practice/races. It's a great set-up - and well supported. Cade got his gear on and wound himself up by practising jumps (without bike) over Braeden in the house:
Cade was just a little disconcerted when he saw that they had slightly changed the layout of the track since he was last there a couple of weeks ago and he went very quiet - perhaps he needed his Dad's encouragement - Scott had hurt his neck and had a headache so had to stay at home. Lucy and I tried hard to encourage Cade and he got through the evening OK with a 3rd place in his final race. They line-up in age/ability categories before they walk up the hill to the starting gates:
In his first race, he came 4th:
Later on, they were allowed to use the track for practice runs. Some of the older/more experienced kids (and adults!) have the skill and confidence to balance on 2 wheels with the front wheel resting against the gate before it falls, but Cade has still to learn this, so tends to be a bit slower at the start:
Lucy, Jo and Braeden watched from the stands:

The temperature dropped dramatically - it fell down to just 70 degrees F by the time we left at 8:30 pm!
Lucy's not working today but I don't know if there are any plans - I'll probably get the Eric Clapton autobiography finished (thanks, Kelly - I know it's been a long time since you bought me it, but you know the only chance I get to read is when we're on vacation!). I've already finished another Rebus (Black Book) plus Peter Alliss' autobiography - Ronnie Wood next! Going to have to visit the book store to top up. Nearly bought a stack of John Grishams at the airport - perhaps I should have - Scott has just finished reading The Brethren, which Jo and I listened to in audiobook format.