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Sunday 21 July 2024

Mid-end July

Nothing much has changed here, although I had my pre-op assessment almost 4 weeks ago now so they should be calling me in for the op soon as these assessments are only valid for a few weeks. The dilemma I have is that it's just over 6 weeks until we fly to USA. If the op was this week, I would go for it but it's more likely going to be later than this and that's probably too near our long range flights for me to do it safely, minimising the risk of DVT. Talking about DVT, I'm currently wearing a compression stocking - my right calf (the leg that has a metal knee) is swollen and hard. I think I got a bite or a sting when I was out walking on Friday - it's pretty itchy too. My calf has been a bit swollen for over a year now, ever since I pulled the muscle. It's never gone back down to the same size as the other leg. Jo has speculated that I have an infected vein - thrombophlebitis.

Enough of that - changing subject:
Poor Luca was whacked by a drunk a couple of weeks ago. He was knocked to the ground and fell heavily on one knee which necessitated him going to the hospital and getting some stitches:
We saw Luca - and Gary - when we had a curry at the Echt Tandoori recently in a slightly belated celebration of Gary's 49th birthday. We had another curry last week - our regular monthly one with Anne, Leslie, Colin and Johanne - except Colin and Johanne didn't make it as Johanne had had a couple of falls last Monday and broke some ribs. She's still in hospital - she's so frail and going downhill with her Parkinson's which she's now had for more than half her life.

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