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Monday 23 September 2024

Oregon so far

We've now spent our 2nd weekend in Grants Pass and the weather has been lovely - not too hot for too long each day. In midsummer it's very hot all day long but now in Fall, it can be cool overnight and first thing in the morning with the peak temperature arriving mid-afternoon before cooling down again.

First light is about 6:30 am and sundown roughly 7:30 pm. I'm writing this on Monday morning just before noon and the temperature is currently 77 F (25 C), rising to 89 F (32 C) at 4 pm. When Barry and Helen arrive here tomorrow it's going to be 94 F (35 C) but it drops by about 20 F on Wednesday befor rising again.

Enough of the weather report - what have we been up to? Not a lot for the first few days - our first activity beyond Delsie Drive was a trail walk last Wednesday at nearby Cathedral Hills - one that we plan to repeat with Barry and Helen this week. Then, on Thursday we took the long-ish drive (c. 3.5 hours) up to Salem to see Cade, Audrey and little Kendall. We stayed overnight - Scott and Lucy in their new, smaller trailer and Jo and I at the Holiday Inn. Here's the trailer parked on the driveway of Cade & Audrey's home:

The one on the left is where they're staying

Kendall loves her remote controlled car:

On Friday morning we all went to breakfast at the French Press ( then back to their house where Cade got ready for his 12.5 hour shift at the hospital. Jo was in her natural habitat:

as was Lucy:

Kendall had her morning nap after which we went shopping to a couple of different malls. We grabbed a fairly quick bite at Chipotle ( Back at the house, forward planning for Christmas was in place as both Scott and Lucy modelled their Xmas jammies - to preserve their modesty, no photos were taken. We then hit the road south again to Grants Pass.

On Saturday, I took Scott's bike out for a short ride, crossing the river over the bridge in the park:

Hallowe'en is a big thing over here - many of the houses are decorated already. Here's one I passed on my ride:

I walked round the Saturday market and the downtown shops then headed back to Delsie Drive. It was Scott's nephew's 15th birthday and Laramie and Rick had arranged to go to the motor racing in Medford that evening - but first, dinner at Kaleidoscope ( for 9 of us - the boys (Lincoln and Davis) plus Scott's Dad, Bill.

On Sunday, we walked round to the Toasted Barrel ( for lunch then Scott and I headed to Dutcher Creek ( for a few holes of golf. Scott did pretty well but I had a wretched time - another bad day at the office.

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