Malcolm, me and Harry at Old Trafford on Wednesday:

Remember the old cabinet at Ochiltree? I thought it might help our storage problem in the back room, but Jo thinks it's too big:
The Man U match was fun - apart from a dodgy taxi driver who took an hour and a half for a 30 minute run - he got lost! Can you imagine anyobody living near Greater Manchester who doesn't know where Old Trafford is? - especially a taxi driver! Square pegs and round holes.
On the way back, I stopped off to see Dad - he was fine, but his dementia is definitely getting worse and he's fast developing an institutional shuffle, as Dawn calls it. She doesn't think he's getting any exercise in terms of walks etc - but it's difficult for the staff if he always says he doesn't want to do it.
I met Barry and Helen at 43 Ochiltree - they're getting the flat ready to move Helen's Mum and Dad in as they're struggling to cope with the stairs at their place. It's pretty sad emptying the house - I took a few things away, but most of the large stuff will have to go to the tip.
Dawn made spag bog for tea and Jordon then played a bit of Stairway to Heaven for me:
He and his pals have cut a mini CD - some Arctic Monkeys - the boys mixed in with the original in parts.
Got home pretty late and tired - driving wasn't easy in the dark with rain lashing down. I only worked the morning in the office today then came home at lunch time to watch some Ryder Cup - going to be an exciting TV weekend, although I do have golf in the mornings, plus CAMRA's annual visit to Banchory tomorrow afternoon.
Gary's obviously developing his Mum's repeated illnesses - he needs to eat more regular meals - can't you just hear Carole saying that? Incidentally, Gary, be careful with your downloaded Useless Facts of the Day - you're in danger of repeating old stereotypes and cliches! Come on, that old one about 60% of Americans not having a passport/never having left their country (sub-continent)! Funny how you never see the same stats about Europeans who have never left their continent? And the Afghanistani one sounds like a bit of Sun reader Muslim put-down! You can do better - give us something interesting or I'll be forced to start putting some "facts" in my blog too!
I eschewed watching the football on TV last night and instead, Jo and I watched Factory Girl - the story of Edie Sedgwick ( A bit like Edith Piaf, hers was a tragic - and very short - life.
The Kings of Leon is on heavy rotation in my car, Kelly - pretty good. Your blog's revelation that you were originally hoping to go to Oz as early as November was a bit of a shock - at least to me. However, I presume that leaves us clear now to start planning for our joint family celebration early next year?
Lucy's football video and photos were good - but it was hard to see if Cade was directly involved in the brief piece of action or not?
Thankfully, I didn't make the same mistake earlier when I asked Kelly and Craig to pose for the camera before they headed off to their pal's wedding at Blairs:
We had a fairly late (for us) night on Saturday and, on Sunday morning, it was more golf for me. It was Medals Finals day at Banchory - I hadn't qualified for a few years and I had forgotten that Class 1 players have to do 36 holes! I haven't done this for years and wasn't sure how I'd cope, but I managed to stagger round OK - but not with a great score. When I got back after the 2nd round, Gary and Carole had arrived for tea and this was the scene in our driveway - notice anything missing? Yes - the old beat-up Saab has finally gone! Gary had just been out for a spin in Ross' Merc.
Carole's beautiful new BMW sat sparkling in the driveway:
Jo had made lasagne for tea - but Luca was in mischevious mood and just played around. When they went home, Kelly and I swapped music files on our laptops - I got the Kings of Leon from her and she got my entire library of music files! She's going to trawl through it and delete what she doesn't want - don't forget to empty the Recycle Bin after you do it, Kelly! She then plans to synchronise the files with her iPod - having now apparently worked out how to use her iPod in the car.
A bit sore and tired this morning but I'm going to try and play squash again tonight. I'm also arranging to go down to Glasgow to see Dad, Barry & Dawn some time this week.