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Sunday 2 June 2024

Barry & Helen's 30th Anniversary

Happy 30th anniversary to Barry and Helen today. They seem to be celebrating with lunch in Oban but what were we all eating 30 years ago?:

Our trip to Edinburgh went well - lunch at Miller and Carter in Frederick St with a couple of old school friends and their wives, followed by drinks and supper with Ross at Mia Italian near Haymarket. The rain that day was truly torrential - Jo and I took the tram for just 2 stops to avoid the biblical downpour for a bit but we were still soaking when we got to our hotel - and we hadn't brought changes of trousers. Still, that was a small problem when compared with Ross'  - the ceiling/roof of his flat has still not been fully repaired and water is pouring in to his living room and kitchen. It must have been especially bad that day.

As if that weren't enough, there's a problem at his work too, with sewage overflowing from the flats above, down in to the small office next to the coffee shop.

Better news is that the weather has finally improved - not before time too - it is officially summer now and only 3 weeks until the longest day. Everything is growing rapidly and very colourful, including our small (former) rockery at the front:

Not so pretty, however, is the state of the small wall on the other side of our driveway, which has been crumbling away for the last few years:

It is over 40 years old now so it's hardly surprising really. I've contacted Neil Gray at G & G Gardening Services and he'll have some ideas of what we can do. I know we can sort this but I'm far from confident that the back garden fence can be resolved. 2 of the 3 remaining panels have now fallen so far that it's only our shed that is holding them up:

The disagreement with our neighbour does not look like coming to any kind of conclusion any time soon. I have today tied the fence to the lone pole on the right to prop it up and stop it falling further in to our garden. I suspect this tie may not survive long.

We've now got a new weather vane on our shed:

I've been repainting the bench in our back garden but the remedial work following the installation of our air source heat pump (which included replacing the piping throughout our house) is still ongoing. We'll need a painter/decorator soon.

We also recently had some work done to the flat roof above one of our rear bedrooms and they're coming back in a few weeks to replace the felt.

I had 2 pieces of bad news recently on my partial left knee replacement operation. I had earlier been asked whether, as the waiting list in Grampian is so long, I would be prepared to travel to the Golden Jubilee Hospital in Clydebank to have it done (robotically)? Naturally, I said yes and furthermore, I would take a short notice cancellation. That made me feel there would be a reasonable chance I would get it done this summer.

However, I was told this week that NHS funding has been withdrawn for the Golden Jubilee so I have only one option now and that is the long Grampian list. I was offered an appointment for a pre-op assessment but this is not until 23rd July and only if the surgeon doesn't go on holiday then. The letter says that I have to keep 12 weeks clear after that assessment but there's only 6 weeks until we fly to USA - a holiday that includes a road trip from Chicago to Detroit, Cleveland and Toronto before flying over to Oregon to see Lucy and family - and meet our great grand-daughter for the first time. It's all booked and paid for. Additionally, I am advised not to fly long haul until at least 6 weeks after the operation.

Even when we return from USA late October, it's only just over 11 weeks until we fly to Australia to see Kelly and family - again all booked and paid for. I can't cancel these 2 big holidays so it means the earliest I can have the operation done will be summer next year.

Sorry to finish on such a downer. 

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