On Wednesday, Scott and I went up to the nearby Genoa Lakes golf club and we managed to get a game OK. It's a lovely course but it was slow up front and we were eventually invited to join the couple from San Diego in front of us at the 10th. Tom and Trish were staying at the Marriott Timber Lodge at South Lake Tahoe - a timeshare they had recently bought at a place we had tried to get in to, but failed. They were decent company and, although Scott was initially a bit fearful, we were certainly not overwhelmed by their golf - although Tom did hit the ball a long way. Early on in the round, we were a little amazed as a couple of deer, cool as you like, wandered out of the rushes and came up very close to us on the tee - they seemed very tame - Scott said they were mule deer - the name coming from their large, ass-like ears - see above photo. Scott did not have his hunting guns with him and I managed to persuade him to resist the temptation to wrestle them to submission!
On the way back, we popped in to DW's restaurant at our resort and booked a table for dinner. There was a Hawaiian trio playing and we sat on the same level as the band, with Braeden blissfully asleep for virtually the whole meal. As ever, the portions were huge and we all slumped back to our rooms.
Thursday was a bit of a rest day, slumming it by the pools in the morning and afternoon and then heading back to Carson City for a bit of shopping for Lucy, followed by a meal at Chilli's, after which we went back and packed for an early start on Friday morning.
We left the resort just after 7 a.m. and Scott and Lucy dropped us off at Reno airport not long after 8, then drove up to meet us getting off our second flight at Medford just before 3 pm. Flying meant Jo and I could travel light and skate through the airports, whilst at the same time giving Scott, Lucy and the boys more room for their 400 mile drive.
Jo and I had a bit of a wait at San Francisco, but we managed to while the time away in the Anchor Steam bar, with me watching the Open on TV refreshed by a pint of Liberty Ale, with Jo having her second cup of soup of the day (clam chowder this time - cheese and broccoli at Reno airport for breakfast!)
Our pick-up truck arrived at Medford airport not long after we landed and Scott drove us back up to Grants Pass. It was a little cloudy and the temperature was at least 15 degrees lower than normal (only the low 80's!). Scott thinks there may be an overnight storm and certainly the weather forecast for tomorrow is possibly for some rain - a new experience for us - bad timing, as Scott and I are heading to the coast to play at Salmon Run, after which we will go to Crescent City and pick up the dogs from Scott's Mum and Dad's.