One more photo from our walk round Portland on Thursday afternoon - this is me in Pioneer Square in front of the Courthouse:

On Friday morning, a rare sight - Jo in the hotel pool:

After a walk to China Town, we had lunch at one of Portland's dining institutions - Dan and Louis' Oyster bar, after which we foolishly hired one of the family bikes and worked our way round a loop crossing two bridges, with a couple of fairly benign climbs, which were incredibly hard work on this machine - of course it would have helped if all 4 adults had been making an effort:

On Saturday after breakfast, we headed south and stopped at Roseberg for lunch - see Facebook for photo. Scott and I then stopped off at Myrtle Creek for 18 holes before heading back to GP.
My exertions of the last few weeks, combined with the travel and the disturbed sleep pattern, finally hit me and I sloped off to bed at 8:30 pm, not rising until 9:30 am the following morning - something I haven't done for years. Sunday was then just a lazy day, chilling out until late afternoon when Jo and I walked to Albertson's to get a few groceries.
Got to go - Scott's on the BBQ - spare ribs tonight!