Well, it's Friday - it's been a busy week and it seems everyone in our business is dropping down like flies with the latest bug going around. Doesn't this always make you feel ill? It certainly does with me - let's hope it's just psychosomatic.
Lucy Skyped us on her birthday yesterday - that was nice. Braeden was at home too running around in his Spiderman outfit, complete with face painted mask - I thought it looked pretty sinister - a bit Tarantino-ish, perhaps? There he was jumping off tables and worktops with Holly snapping away at him. Every time he landed, my knees went weak(er).
My other blogs have again been updated more regularly than this one, but that's just a reflection of what's happening just now.
We've got Luca again tonight. I was at a lunchtime meeting in Inverurie on Tuesday and that was also the day that Ross was taking Dawn's laptop back down to her, so Jo and I swapped cars - Ross used my Sat Nav to find Dawn's house and I used Jo's car (and car seat) to pick up Luca from nursery. I was a lot earlier than planned - my meeting finished before 1pm and Carole had me down for a 3pm pick-up at the nursery.
I filled in a bit of time by popping in to Craigdon Mountain Sports - nice shop. I ended up buying a collapsible water bottle (I'd lost the bottle I used to use in the gym), a pair of walking socks and a base layer - a pretty expensive one at that - pure Merino wool, all the way from NZ. It's black and has long sleeves and I actually used it at golf on Wednesday evening as it was a trifle cool. It's supposed to keep you warm and/or cool depending on conditions, and wick away any perspiration. It wasn't much of a test on Wednesday but it felt comfortable and seemed to work OK.
Anyway, back to Luca - it's a delight to pick him up from Nursery - as soon as he spots you, he shouts "Grandad!" and comes running over and jumps up and gives you a big hug - very sweet. Quite a contrast from the sometimes indifferent response you get when you walk in to the house - especially if he happens to be with his Grannie Jo. Am I invisible? Has Luca gone deaf? I know now how Jo does it - in the front of her car, she's got a little vanity tray for gadgets etc. Guess what I found in it? Correct - chocolate buttons - all melting in the sun of course. Sorry, Luca - have to wait until we get home and we can put them in the fridge.
Wednesday night is golf night - for the 23 weeks of "summer" anyway. We watched Junior Apprentice when I got home - a bit different from the last few years, but still very entertaining and exceptionally well made. The original "You're Fired", the Trumpster himself, was in town yesterday - Michael Clark was invited to the big presentation he made out at the Menie estate, along with all the great and the good - and all the media.
I noticed Lauren's comment on Facebook about getting her nose pierced - yuk! There, that's it confirmed - I am officially a Grumpy Old Man. I was surprised at Lesley's support for it - there I was thinking she was old and sensible too, but I guess it just demonstrates how out of touch I am.
So that's been my week so far - how's yours been?