I've been on the move a lot this week - Fraserburgh Monday, Aberdeen then Glasgow Tuesday/Wednesday, Fraserburgh again on Thursday and then back to the Aberdeen office again this morning.
This is a busy time of year for us at work and it's not being helped much by staffing problems. Anyway, what have I been doing on my travels? I was invited to Julie and Guy's for tea on Tuesday evening - Mary made sausage casserole and I ate with the boys and Brian - Julie was going out with her friend to the cinema and Guy was home a bit later. When Guy got home, I took this small video with my Blackberry, so apologies for the quality:
I've got a bit of name dyslexia with the twins - I can't get it in my head which one's Sam and which one's Tom. I think it's because their names are so similar - in fact they are quite different physically, one being larger and the smaller one now wearing glasses. There's no mistaking young Leo however:

His language is pretty good - I was told he was born the same month as Luca, but Jo thinks he's a few months older. Mary headed out after tea but not before a typical Sowerby scare - she couldn't find her car keys! The house was torn apart and eventually they were located - underneath the microwave. No further comment.
Brian and I went down to his local to watch the Man U match and I stayed in Elderslie overnight, heading off in the morning to central Glasgow for my meetings - I was last out of the house at 7:15 am!
Wednesday morning went OK and I was invited to lunch at Rogano's, an upmarket fish restaurant which is a bit of a Glasgow institution - very nice. I got back up the road in good time to catch Luca before he headed off home and I went to golf. The evening was OK and I had my supper in front of the TV watching the Apprentice - good result this week - it's about time that ****** was eliminated.
I had a tie to play on Thursday - lost - whilst Jo was out for dinner with her old school friends.
Of course, I did go and see my Dad whilst I was down in Glasgow. After last week's experience, I was a little apprehensive about how he would be this time, but I needn't have worried - he was in good form and we walked about the ward - sometimes dancing even - and sang some songs. I took this short video, trying hard not to let him know that he was being filmed:
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