FRIDAY 28th Feb (cont'd)
The tradesmen working at Chris' and Kelly's home hadn't managed to meet their planned schedule of work while we were away, so, faced with the prospect of no toilet and no shower, Kelly had managed to find a 2 bedroom city centre flat to rent for 2 nights. Kelly swapped places with Chris and headed back to Old Noarlunga to look after the dogs, with Chris, Jo, me and the boys staying in the city.
The flat was lovely - all mod cons, neatly designed to fit in to a relatively small square footage. It was on the 18th floor with a decent sized balcony affording nice views of the city and the hills:
We were right next to Rundle St in the heart of the city, leading down to 2 of the main Fringe centres - Gluttony and the Garden of Unearthly Delights. We opted for the former venue as the latter were charging $5 entry as it was peak time on Friday.
We had our meal there from a number of the street food vendors set up in the park and watched at dusk at an amazing display of bats overhead, heading south apparently - it was continuous for 10-15 minutes - there were thousands of them:
The bats are the large "Flying Fox" type that we had first encountered many years ago in the park in Sydney.
We all had shopping to do this morning - the boys needed new running shoes while Jo and I were on the hunt for books and a hair clasp. We met up for lunch downstairs at the food court in the Myer Centre - Asian food all round - dumplings for us and sushi for the boys.
Chris' brother, Matt, came to see us this afternoon. We fought our way through the crowds on Rundle St. - no traffic and dining tables set out on the street all the way down - and made our way to the Garden this time, just beating the time when entry fees would start.
We had a good wander round and then managed to find a table for the 6 of us, near where Asher was desperate to go bouncing:
He was then "rewarded" with a potato treat:
Matt, Chris, Kelly and the boys were patient enough to wait in the long lines for food but Jo and I declined. After a bit we all headed back to the flat but, first of all, we had to replenish the wine stocks, which was surprisingly difficult in the city, given that most of the "bottle shops" there are attached to grocery chains like Coles and Woolworths - and they all seemed to close about 8 pm.
After substantially increasing our steps for the day, we found Thirsty Camel, bought a couple of bottles and headed back to the flat for cheese and wine.
SUNDAY 2nd March
We packed our bags and Kelly came to pick us up and take us down to Old Noarlunga where some toilet and shower facilities were now available. It was dressing-up time:
MONDAY 3rd Mar
Nothing much to report - Kelly was back at work, Chris was working (his last week with current employers) from home and Asher was all day at OSCH (it was a school holiday). Jo and I didn't leave the house.
The bathroom was far from finished but the new shower was at least operational:
The replacement vanity unit - formerly used by us in the "garden room" - was in place but not plumbed in yet:
and the old one was sitting outside with Rufus and Lily looking on:
The dogs had just returned from their evening cliff and beach walk with Kelly and they had found this, which we think is a fox head:
The boys were sufficiently impressed that they planned to take it to school tomorrow to show it to their classes.
Jo and I were long overdue for another walk, so I suggested Morialta Conservation Park - a huge gorge with a number of waterfalls which, sadly, are completely dry at this time of year. Nonetheless, it's a beautiful place with lots of trail walks and even though it was to the north of the city and involved a reasonably long drive, as we hadn't been there for a few years, I felt it was worth a return visit.
It was, however, hot again - 33 C, no clouds, no wind and scorching sun. I had remembered to take water, but it wasn't enough - we had to eke it out as we walked, first of all to the foot of the first falls, then back up to the top after which we took the Plateau trail back to the car park where we gladly bought ice creams and Coke from a truck. Here's a few of the photos:
Wallabies |
Lunch now - up through the Adelaide Hills wine region to Uraidla's pub, bakery and brewery - we had a Ploughman's washed down with beers:
Google maps took us back to Old Noarlunga via a winding, circuitous route - we both felt a bit groggy afterwards. Chris cooked burgers for tea and then he and the boys jumped in the pool:
This is Miller's last year at primary school and everyone in his class was handed a school uniform with their names on the back alongside the names of all of their classmates. Asher joined the pre-school pose:
More work going on today in the bathroom. Altough the new shower is operational - and Chris, Kelly and the boys have been using it - Jo and I have opted daily to use the outdoor shower.
Spent a bit of the morning bringing this blog up to date. We'll soon be taking the train to the city - we're going to the National Wine Centre of Australia for a "Taste of South Australia Guided Tour and Tasting", which involves pairing with canapes.