Bit of a dreich day today and I decided to skip golf as it was a bit damp. Anyway, it's maybe not a bad idea to have an easy day at home as I won't be spending another full weekend at home for 7 weeks! I'm away to London next week to see Lou Reed on Saturday night, followed by Lord's on Sunday for the ODI against the W.Indies. The following weekend, I'm at Slaley Hall for golf, and Jo's on her way to Cornwall to visit Kelly and Craig. After that, we're off to USA to see Scott, Lucy and the boys.
The above photo was taken from our back room window this morning and shows all the trees that we had chopped down recently (by our former neighbour Brett Nicol) - we decided to leave only the silver birches. After orderning our new driveway yesterday, we've decided to get Brett back to take down the so-called dwarf fir in our front rockery, that has now grown to about 15 feet tall!