Back to work today - eventually. It was my annual Health Screen at Albyn first thing this morning so I had to fast overnight. They're very nice however - they do all your bloods first of all and then offer you breakfast before you do the rest of the medical. Fruit 'n Fibre, tea and toast - most welcome.
The nurse does the initial tests then you see the doctor, and they both commented that I had lost a bit of weight since last year (only a kilo) - was I dieting? The answer was, of course, not consciously - but, as Jo's on a diet, then I guess we all are to a greater or lesser extent - why, even Ross commented last night that he's losing weight!
The medical seemed to go OK, but I'll get the full report in a couple of weeks. I did mention that my Atrial Fibrillation seems to be starting to interfere in my life a bit more than it used to, so the doctor immediately said I should go and see the cardiologist again - and get some drugs to sort it! I have to do this through my GP however, so I've put in a call to ask him to refer me.
Still not sorted out what we're going to do for our holidays next year - there's been so many different suggestions now that I'm starting to think that perhaps we should go back to stage 1 and not bother trying to do Oz and USA in one round the world tour, but, instead visit Kelly and Lucy separately in their respective summers. Needs more thought.
So, I've been back to the gym today - first time for a while. I was passing on my way to the office after my medical and thought, why not? Only a short session then some lunch. Will try and go back tomorrow if I can - before I have to pick up Luca - Jo's car's in for its MoT.
So what delights are in store this week? The World Cup, of course - we watched a game down the pub on Friday night and Jo surprised me by sitting through the England - USA match with me on Saturday night. I've drawn Germany and Chile in the office sweep, which is a lot better than the miserable draw Gary and Carole gave me in their family sweep - Australia, who were trounced by Germany last night. Incidentally, don't understand why all 32 teams weren't included in Gary's draw - there's plenty of aunties, uncles and cousins around to make up the numbers.
England's next game is this Friday, so it'll be straight back to the pub after golf at Edzell - our Midsummer Outing - yes, it's that time of year already - next week the days get shorter!
We were originally planning to try and walk up Lochnagar on Sunday as our next training exercise, but there've been some cancellations so we've shortened this month's walk and we're now doing the route from Glen Muick to Crathie, so no golf again for me this coming Sunday morning.
Kelly tried to Skype us on Saturday morning, but her internet connection out in the wilds wasn't good enough to give decent reception, which was a shame.
I'll finish today's blog with a photo just to brighten it up a bit. Last Tuesday, Michael and I took our long-time secretary in Fraserburgh, Frances Trail, out to lunch to celebrate her 70th birthday. She only works a few hours a week now, but she's still bright and sprightly. We went to the Tufted Duck, St Combs, which has been smartened up a lot since I first stayed there back in 1985 when the Clarks had just bought MacFish in Fraserburgh and we used to stay there overnight in the early days.

That's Frances, obviously, sitting between Michael and I, with her husband Jimmy rear left and Dorothy McRobbie, Office Manager and Pauline Reid flanking young Zachary Clark.