It was cold on Friday and we had a bit of snow with the forecast for more, but it never really materialised and, in fact, today it was mild and pleasant when we played golf - all the frost and snow had gone.
Ross made it to his interview on Friday - they will be holding second interviews this week - let's hope he makes the short list.
On Friday night we went to the Town Hall for the church's Mardi Gras evening - it was pretty good, although I was a little confused as the focus for the evening moved around from Louisiana to Africa then on to Scotland! Some people went to tremendous lengths in their dress, but we were all very tame and subdued. Anne had bought a proper mask, but Jo just used a spare one lying around for the above photo. It was a ByoB evening - except nobody told me and I had to walk home again and collect some beer and wine from the house.
There were free Hurricane cocktails handed out at the start, but I didn't much care for them. The meal was pretty good - Jambalaya, Etouffe etc. The proceeds from the evening were going to a deaf school in Zambia, the church's current pet project, and we were then given a slide show of the last visit there, followed by a performance by a troupe of African drummers - from Banchory - listen to the video. After that it was a Ceilidh but it was pretty late by then and Anne had had it and wanted to go home, so I was more than happy to leave at this time as well and the four of us strolled home about midnight.
On Saturday, Dave, Colin and I had originally planned to go down to Livingston to see Thistle play in the cup, but it was pretty frosty overnight and there had been some snow, so I decided to phone the ground to see if the match was on or not. They were insepcting the pitch and wouldn't know for sure until after 10:30, which would have meant it would probably be after 11:00 by the time we left Banchory, and we had planned to have lunch with Dan in his local, the Four Marys in Linlithgow - we obviously wouldn't then make it in time for that and we all decided instead to stay at home and watch the rugby on TV later. Besides, after I had arranged the Livingston trip, Gary asked us to babysit to allow he and Carole to go to the cinema, so I would get a chance to spend some time with Luca as well.
Luca was as good as gold - as usual. He's got 3 teeth now - but only one of the front two - Jo thought he looked lop-sided! He was hugely attracted to our new TV and I couldn't keep his paws off it - see photo. He also took great delight in taking all the books off our shelves and, one by one, throwing them on the floor! Like Cade and Braeden before him, he loves climbing our stairs and I video'd him making his way up.
I grabbed a take-away from Franco's and we watched Raising Arizona, which I thought was OK, but Jo wasn't really in the mood for it.
Nothing much else to report - enjoyed watching Wales beating England on Saturday, but then Scotland were awful in losing to France at Murrayfield today.