Today's riddle - I've seen these animals many times before at Myrtle Creek GC and always believed them to be Muskrats, but yesterday my playing partners told me they were, in fact ?????? - I can't remember the name! I think the word begins with A - they were apparently imported about a hundred years ago as a potential substitute to the beaver, whose population was on the wane, but their pelts aren't as good as the beaver's. No amount of web-trawling has revealed the name yet - can anyone help? This was a baby one - maybe 2-3 feet long - Daddy would be more like 4-5 feet:

Myrtle Creek is beautiful and full of wild life - swooping turkey vultures, wild turkeys, but thankfully yesterday, no whiff of skunk! A very tame doe strolled out beside us at the 4th green, complete with fawn - and there was another one lurking in the woods. This shot was taken from just a few yards away:

Lucy cycled home yesterday - I had dropped her off at work in the morning with her bike, on my way north to Myrtle Creek. We just hung around in the afternoon and eventually got in the pool - Jo's 3rd visit - amazing!
Jo made soup - and we also had a delicious pud straight from the recipe book - can't remember what it was called - by then all the brain cells were dead - I had somewhat overdone the gin content in our evening G & T's!
Dropped Lucy off again this morning so I've got her car - may go shopping later - we'll see how the kids are.
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