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Saturday, 24 December 2011

Xmas Eve disaster averted


The aftermath of the gas men working here for 2 days was that there was a pile of rubbish sitting outside our house, including 2 spent radiators. They'd neatly bagged the rubbish and told us - again - that a team would be along to take it all away - but, as usual, they never showed, so we had little option but to take it all to the tip ourselves.

After all, the front of our house looks like a big enough tip without adding more to it - we've had the planks on our porch missing since early this year, waiting for the builders to come back and fix the leak on our balcony, after which they were supposed to replace the harling, which is coming away from the building after the Virginia Creepers did their worst. Then there's the old Mercedes sitting at the front door, rusting away - we were assured again that it would be moving "in the next couple of days", but we're still waiting.

So this morning I put the back seats in my car down and started to load the radiators. It was only as I was lifting the second one that I realised they hadn't been fully emptied - there was black gunge seeping out - in my car and on the driveway. I rushed back in to the house calling Jo for help - but I never thought about my feet. My shoe soles were carrying the black gunge in to the house - help!

Eventually we managed to drain the radiators and block up the holes sufficiently to allow me to drive them to the tip, whilst Jo was left mopping up the mess. All's well that ends well, but it could have been a real disaster. Even the inside of my car seems not to have suffered too much.

So we're sitting here waiting for the turkey to defrost. You would have thought that almost 3 days would have been enough, but apparently not, so I'll need to nip to the Cook Shop and try to pick up a food thermometer/probe. Jo may have to wait until tomorrow to cook the bird.

I was back at the Doctor's on Thursday, getting my 6 month check-up on the damaged skin on my nose. He said it was mostly OK - no sign of anything happening apart from one tiny bit at the top of the mark. He offered to zap it there and then - and he did, but it means I'll be featuring a red spot on my nose in my Xmas photos - see if you can "spot" it.

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