Haven't shaken off this little bug yet - or is it delayed reaction to the holiday, or perhaps hay fever? Anyway, I'm all congested and, when this happens, I usually lose my voice - that's what happened last Saturday when we were at the church's annual Malaysian evening - and it happened again yesterday. I don't think I did myself any favours, though - I had several review meetings with underwriters and bankers yesterday which necessitated me talking non-stop for several hours - eventually my voice just packed up again. Hope it gets better before we go to Peter and Srie's daughter's wedding on Saturday.
It probably sounds worse than it is - it didn't stop me playing golf again yesterday, although I started coughing as soon as I put my head on the pillow last night - Jo insisted she get me a hot toddy - I think she wanted to knock me out so I didn't disturb her sleep!
What else have I been up to? Well, I did eventually see my Dentist for a check-up on Tuesday - no problems thankfully.
Remember the daffodils we paid for in the honesty box just outside Fettercairn when coming home from Glasgow last Friday? Well, here they are, thriving away in our house:

That's all for now, folks.
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