I've just had 2 consecutive days at the dentist - with more to come. I changed my mind yesterday and told her that I'd decided after all to get the tooth that I broke in USA crowned - first time I've ever done this. It's pretty pricey - hope it works OK.
I sorted out the accidental double booking that I made in Oz for Kelly and Craig - but the trade-off was that I had take another exchange quickly - so I did - Marriott's Newport Coast Villas next March - so that's when we'll be going to USA next year. Cade and Braeden are off school that week, so we hope they can all join us then.
Last night we got invited by Richard Simcox to the Jazz Night at the Milton - and very nice it was too. You won't be surprised that Jo had the Creme Brulee (as I did) - and she thought it was absolutely spiffing!
Keith and Annette Gray took us there and back. Here, she and Keith are all ears:
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