Planning on a quiet day today - golfed out. I did OK, without threatening to win anything, in the Seniors Club Championship - top 10 in both scratch and handicap can't be bad.
I'll go and see Colin this afternoon and see how he's getting on - he's been moved to a "normal" ward, which is a good sign, I hope.
A deer has been a fairly regular visitor to the embankment at the back - he/she seems to particularly like some of the plants/weeds in she-whose-name-must-not-be-mentioned's garden next door.
Jo and I have both sponsored Carole in Sunday's Race for Life - is that poor communication between us, or did Carole just con us both? No matter - it's for a good cause! It's exactly a decade since our football group took part in this (it was a 24 hour Relay then). Niece Julie was then the Scottish organiser for Cancer Relief, and the Aberdeen event (at Linksfield) was the most successful fund-raiser in Scotland, and our group was the largest contributor to this - £4,608. Gary came along to watch us, but didn’t take part. I showed Carole some of the photos of a 24 year old Gary - hope she's got over the shock now! This is me opening the champagne at the end of a gruelling 24 hours:

I had my annual medical at Albyn yesterday. The results will be in soon, but I'll get the usual bollocking about weight, body fat %, alcohol consumption, and probably high cholesterol to boot. I do already know that I still am in Atrial Fibrillation, however - apparently it'll always be this way - it never goes back to a normal rhythm. Oh well, it's just a matter of time before they put me on Warfarin then - I'll put this off as long as I can as I still have memories of what it did to my Mum - the bad outweighed the good on that occasion.
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