Sore and tired today - getting too old to play a round of golf and then stand for 2 hours on the concrete floor at AECC. Neil Young was great however, but, boy was I glad to sit down after the concert!
Jo survived the experience - here she is at the start - looking for the exits - she was freaked out by the crowd!:
(The football and golf blogs have got photos and videos from yesterday.)
Forgot to tell you about a fascinating incident the other day. I came home from work on Tuesday and Amy from number 6 came over to see me. She asked me how long the tree swing had been up in Arbor Court? I'm not sure, I said - 15 years maybe? Well, did I object to the kids playing on the grass or on the swing? - not at all, I said. Finally, she told me - the nutter from number 3 had cut the swing down! Apparently she said that she did not want to be responsible under Health & Safety for one of the kids having an accident!
Amy also revealed that Gayle from number 2 had also had a run-in with our Irish friend, so we're not alone! Armed with the information that everyone else in the street was happy to have the tree swing, Amy went and put it back up again:
Watch this space for future developments!
And Gary - no, it's not acceptable to just stop your blog. I know I have been bleating about others not updating regularly, but if you stop, how else will we know what's happening with you lot? You don't phone - unless you need a babysitter - and you've never Skyped, unlike Lucy.
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