Well done, Cade - your Mom said you got all the correct answers to the places where our photos were taken - but you didn't actually name them - maybe it's because you knew the answers but you didn't want your Mom to find out? - she would never have guessed on her own!
We can let her know now though, can't we? The Great Wall of China was first - maybe your Mom would have gotten that one, huh? The second one was taken in a desert - but which one? Not Arizona - no camels there - and not Dubai either - although it was very close - it was Abu Dhabi - they are both part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) - look it up on the map. We had just been riding big 4-wheelers across the huge sand dunes - they take the air out of the tyres before you go on the dunes to give more control.
The 3rd photo with Jo in it was taken at Giza, just outside Cairo in Egypt, in front of the Sphinx and one of the pyramids. Now here's another question for you (all of you!) - which is older? The Great Wall of China or the pyramids of Egypt?
Today's photo quiz - which city was this taken in?:
Here's another clue:

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