The brilliant weather this week has brought a smile to everyone's faces - and, at last, I think I'm shaking off the final last traces of the bug I picked up a couple of weekends ago. Regained just enough energy back to look forward to last night's golf again - and it was a glorious evening in Banchory - the first time I've worn my shorts on the golf course this season:
Gary, Dave and I are down by the Dee at the 12th tee.
The painter is still at our house - it's amazing how much he has done - we didn't realise there was so much work required until he started! Jo suggested he should also do the masonry walls on the porch and it's certainly brightened things up there now. We then had a dilemma about what to do about the pine ceiling there, which had been heavily stained by water from the balcony. We thought at first a dark wood varnish would do the trick but Jo thought it would darken the whole porch so suggested a light paint instead. He's put on a white-ish colour so far and I thought it looked OK last night - although I haven't seen it in daylight yet.
Jo's out tongight for dinner with one of her school pals - Sheila - so it's pizza for Ross and I. Ross got his brown Saab bumped last week and the side panels are badly damaged. The guy has offered to pay but Ross is unsure what he is going to do with this car anyway so we'll have to wait and see.
I still haven't seen Luca walking, nor have I even seen the videos Gary has been promising to put on his blog, but Carole at least texted me the following photo of him standing unaided:

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