We went over to Gary and Carole's on Thursday to meet Carole's Dad (Mike) and stepmum (Val) and have a bite to eat. We had a nice time with them and Luca was as good as gold as usual - he enjoyed the breadsticks:
Granda Mike plays with Luca:

Luca and I played "peek-a-boo":
Apart from that, it's just been golf, golf, golf - although I did manage to finally get the back cleared of leaves today - with a little help from Ross. Incidentally, he's sold both his Saab's - the blue wreck will finally be out of our driveway in the next week or so, and the brown one is going in September - to a guy in Somerset - to whom he has to deliver it!
An invitation to a wedding was popped through our letterbox this afternoon - from Mr. & Mrs. Hepburn for the wedding of Peter and Theresa - cue much scratching of heads - eventually I sussed it must be Peter Fitzpatrick - and Gary confirmed this - we're away in USA then anyway.
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