It now almost feels like we're back to normal after the holiday break - although with all the food and drink we've consumed, our bodies don't feel normal yet - Jo says she is OK, but I still feel a bit bloated and tired.
On Wednesday, it was 20 years to the day when we started our Veterans' Football Group and we had a little celebration match at the all-weather pitch at DATA. I took the usual team photo (a little blurred by the drizzle) and we had a beer at the Douglas afterwards.
We went to the Simcoxes for dinner and what a grand occasion it was - 7 courses - soup, prawns, lasagne, pork, trio of desserts, cheese and then coffee and After Eights - for 28 people in their dining room on three separate, elaborately decorated tables - and all served hot from a domestic kitchen! How does Gail do it? Most restaurants would struggle to cope with this number all at once. Richard entertained us afterwards with his newly acquired guitar, amp and microphone - all we had to do was sing along. We left with Dick and Theresa and apparently missed the karaoke session - whew!
Much of the talk over dinner was about retirement - so many of our friends have already done it, or are planning to do it - Jo repeated her desire to leave this summer - she's not happy with her Head Teacher and is pretty fed up with all the admin and form-filling. I refuse to comment one way or the other in case it is interpreted as "approval" or otherwise - Jo wants somebody to blame if she makes the wrong decision - and I ain't gonna be that person!
Having walked home with the Taylors, we were invited in for coffee - and for Jo to have the grand tour of their newly acquired home - a lovely old house on Burnett Road, which, coincidentally used to be owned by the Duncan family, from whom they acquired their shop on the High St 25 years ago.
I was back in the office this morning but came home early afternoon and played squash at 4:00 pm at Crathes. We've got some snow now - our first this winter. There might be more tonight - hope it's heavy and I don't have to go in to the office in the morning!
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