Jo likes the new suite - the room is full of the smell of new leather.
I went along to the big meeting in the Burnett last night on the KGV playing fields project - it's a very adventurous and wide-ranging project and requires major fund-raising and will take several years of hard work. I had to give it our support but it's a long shot and very distant - and will probably not come about before I finish playing squash!
Ross did get up this morning and take Jo to work, but when she got there she realised she had left her handbag somewhere - cue panic phone calls home! She had left it in my car, which she had moved to let Ross' car out, so I'll just take it in to her when I pick her up this afternoon as we head for our night in Pitlochry.
I'm at home again, clicking my heels - I was supposed to be getting my vaccinations for South Africa at 9:00 am and I went to the chemist to pick them up last night, but they hadn't even received the prescription from the Nurse! I went down to the surgery and found it was still lying there in the out tray, took it back to the chemist, but then discovered they did not have one of the vaccines and wouldn't be able to get it until 10:00 am this morning, so I had to change my appointment with the Nurse - the earliest I could get was 11:40, which has completely screwed up my working day now. Things never go to plan - if it's not tradesmen or house deliveries, it's something else. End of rant.
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