It's unique and we've all now got passes valid for a year, so Scott and Lucy will be able to go there next month too.
After lunch we drove back to St Ives with a brief pit stop at the house so that Craig could pick up his board and wet suit - he gets a bit stir crazy if he doesn't get in the water each day! We had a couple of beers then headed back to the house, with one car stopping off at Tesco to buy groceries for our evening meal, which Carole offered to cook. Disaster - all the Tesco's shut at 7:00 pm on Sunday! Back to the takeaway again - this time fish and chips, with a generally more acceptable DVD this time (K-Pax).
Craig had to go to work on Monday morning but the rest of us had ample time for a long walk over the dunes and the railway line to the beach. The tide was going out and it seemed like we walked miles just to paddle in the sea.
Eventually we headed off to the airport, with me driving Jo in the Beetle and Kelly taking Gary, Carole and Luca in the hired car. Our flight was delayed but we still got back to Banchory by 6 pm - and we were in bed before 9!
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