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Friday, 7 March 2008


Thank you all for your best wishes. Cade and Braeden tried to talk to me on the phone but I was driving in the car from Fraserburgh when Lucy called and it was very difficult for any of us to understand each other on such a poor line.

Gary came round after work and gave me a bundle of presents from he and Carole. Amongst his usual boyish humour gifts (silly games etc), there were actually a couple of things I can use - such as a CD. Jo didn't invite me out for tea but went to all the trouble of heating up pizza! (She also bought some cake and bakewell tarts and I was quite happy to stay in and feast on them). Jo also gave me a box of 8 "Rat Pack" CD's - and then told me she thought we would enjoy listening to them! - Gary and I just laughed.

Ross didn't go back to work yesterday - even though I thought he was well enough and he had indicated he would be. Hope he managed along this morning OK.

We got the sound system fitted up again although I'm not sure we've wired it properly yet for the surround sound.

Stan's blacksmith is supposed to be back today.

Jo's out with the teachers tonight so it's fend for yourself time for supper - I'll go to the pub anyway after football and buy the lads a dram for my birthday.

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