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Wednesday 16 October 2024

Getting ready to head home

It's Wednesday 16th October and, for the first time since we came to USA the weather has suddently turned autumnal. We had some fairly heavy rain overnight and earlier this morning but it seems to be drying up now and the temperature, although well down on the 80's and 90's F that we've seen so far - "just" 70 F (21 C) this afternoon - is still very acceptable for mid-October.

Anyway, we'll be organising our packing today as we're now leaving tomorrow (Thursday) - one day earlier than initially planned. I changed our flights last week, so, instead of flying Medford - Denver - Chicago - London - Aberdeen, leaving here at silly o'clock on Friday morning, we're breaking the journey and are stopping overnight in Chicago tomorrow, leaving Medford on a much more civilised afternoon flight.

Now to the diary:

Wednesday 9th October

Cade duly arrived and attended his eye appointment then helped/watched as Scott bled his car's brakes. He stayed overnight as he had an appointment with the tattooist on Thursday.

A Voters Pamphlet arrived at Delsie Drive:

It's a huge exercise in democracy - over 100 pages outlining details of all the resolutions being discussed at local and national level. Admirable - but the size of it makes me wonder how many people actually read it and respond. There are regular adverts on TV about a couple of the local proposals - introduction of a sales tax in Oregon and a proposal for proportional representation.

Thursday 10th October

Cade returned with his new tattoo (on his back) feeling a little tender. Audrey and Kendall arrived for a few days and in no time there were toys everywhere and Kendall was in her element:

I took a ride to refill one of the growlers.

Friday 11th October

I went out on the bike again, stopping at The Haul to rehydrate with a rare pint of cask ale - it's 95% H2O isn't it?:

Scott was on the BBQ again - ribs for dinner - even Kendall joined in:

Saturday 12th October

The day of Audrey's (slightly premature) birthday party with family and friends arriving in the afternoon, but, first, Scott and I had an early appointment with golf. Scott's friend, Stan, picked us up at 7:15 am and drove us to Stone Ridge golf course. It was a surprisingly cool start to the day but, as usual, it heated up by mid-morning. The wildlife was plentiful - lots of deer and large wild turkeys which both seemed to co-exist quite happily:

Here's Scott and Stan watching playing partner Steve tee off:

We made it back from golf before 2 pm - well before most of the guests arrived. The Oregon Ducks were playing an important (American) football match so many of the males present gathered round the TV while the girls sat at the dining room table:

I managed to get the family 4 generations together for a photo - only Cade was missing:

Sunday 13th October

The big fridge/freezer in the kitchen had come to the end of its life and needed replacement so Scott and Lucy headed off to Medford mid-morning. Kendall was on her nap but when she awoke Audrey drove the rest of us down the I-5 past Medford to Phoenix and the relatively new Phoodery (, a street food type place. Scott and Lucy met us there and we had lunch and beers:

Monday 14th October

Sadly, it was time for Audrey and Kendall to return to Salem but before they headed north, Audrey kindly set up a photo shoot:

(Lucy still wearing her dawn dog walk gear).

Scott took his mother to her hospital appointment and then to lunch with her while Lucy took me and Jo on a Jacksonville area wine tour. First stop was the beautiful Hummingbird Estate ( where we discovered they had a brewery too!:

Next stop was Rellik (

There was some lovely home-made ice cream there and we shared a pint of the Turkish Coffee flavour.

The 3rd and final stop was Dos Mariposas ( We parked the car and walked through the vines to the tasting room:

Tuesday 15th October

Scott's father, Bill, arrived early to pick him up for their annual 2 week hunting trip. They would be on the road for about 9 hours, including stops - still in Oregon. All of a sudden the house was quiet again - no Scott, Audrey or Kendall.

It was Audrey's 25th birthday today - I'm 3 times her age!

Jo chose today's activity - she wanted to go back to the Jacksonville Woodland trails ( that we'd been on last year:

The return trip to Grants Pass took us through the Applegate Valley and past Pennington Farm ( We had to stop for a quick bite - pear and apple turnovers and a cookie, plus another takeaway family strawberry and rhubarb pie for dinner - lovely.

That's me up to date again but to close this post here's a few more random photos:

Philly - lovely to look at but sometimes her enthusiasm gets the better of her

From a recent camping trip that Scott and Lucy took. Note new, smaller trailer and Lucy's Jeep

Kendall loves to do this with Lucy

Table Rock - Upper, I think

Hot off the press - we thought we would see Kendall walking before they left on Monday - she was so nearly doing it - but yesterday Lucy sent flowers to Audrey. Kendall loves flowers so Cade tempted her to come and get them - and she did, taking several steps to get there. Another milestone.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Another GP diary update

Friday 4th October

Jo and I decided to take a walk to downtown Grants Pass but first we drove down to Tussing Park, cutting off the more boring part of the journey. We crossed the pedestrian bridge over the Rogue river, stopping first of all for the obligatory photo:

Along the river path then through the suburbs - now time for ice cream. The Soda Fountain did the job.

Saturday 5th October

I decided it was time to get out on the bike again and so I went for another wander round GP, stopping at Riverside park for a quick selfie:

Then it was downtown again - it was Saturday Grower's Market day:

It was a busy day downtown because it was also the annual Art on the Rogue day when streets are cordoned off and artists are invited to use the tarmac as a backdrop for their chalk - and occasionally, paint - work. Scott, Lucy and Jo hadn't seen this so we all went back in the afternoon to walk round the ever-expanding exhibits, after which we drove out to Applegate bridge and had dinner at a beautiful spot on the patio at the Lindsay Lodge, overlooking the river and the steel box bridge:

Sunday 6th October

The day of the annual Wine Walk in aid of breast cancer charities at Del Rio winery. Lucy's pal, Shari, had to pull out so Jo was the super-sub. We dropped them off and Scott and I went for a few holes of golf nearby:

A little surprisingly the girls finished before we did and by the time we got back to Del Rio to pick them up at least one of them was a little squiffy - and chuffed that she'd managed to complete the 3 mile hike round the winery and not (quite) be last!

Monday 7th October

Quiet day. Jo and I went to the 11:30 am showing of the latest Joker movie. When we arrived we thought the cinema must be closed - there were no cars in the car park and little sign of life until we entered the building. We bought our tickets and a Diet Coke to share. Jo had made up a couple of sandwiches for us as the food there is pretty gross, and she had put them in the bottom of her back pack with her jumper on top. Jo must have been feeling a little guilty as she then asked for a small carton of popcorn. Sure enough, one of the staff asked to look in to her bag - company policy she said - but Jo bluffed her way through it and the two of us then skulked in to a completely empty movie theater - the first time either of us had watched a full film at the cinema with nobody else present.

We decided to drive down to Medford after the movie to get a gift for Audrey's birthday next week - and one for little Kendall too.

Tuesday 8th October

Back to Table Rock again but this time Jo and I took on Lower Table Rock, which sits almost adjacent to Upper Table Rock which Barry, Helen and I had hiked. The names are a little confusing - they don't refer to the height of the plateaus, but rather to their location along the Rogue river. Both are just over 2,000 feet above sea level - - but the actual height climbed, according to my Strava stats, shows the Lower one had 242 m of climbing while the Upper one had just 228 m. Certainly, the Lower one is a bit harder as there are more straight uphill stretches whilst the Upper one is virtually all gentle zig-zags.

Anyway, with the promise of a visit to Dairy Queen, Jo successfully made it to the top:

We did a drive-through at Dairy Queen and each had a medium "Blizzard" - Jo's being the seasonal Pumpkin Pie flavour. We never learn - they were very nice at the time but we really should have just shared a small one as we suffered a bit afterwards.

Wednesday 9th October

We await the arrival of Cade today - he's coming down to Grants Pass for an eye test etc and while he's here, Scott's going to do some maintenance on his car - bleeding the brakes etc. Cade goes back to work tomorrow and Audrey arrives here for a few days, including a birthday party for her on Saturday, with Scott's family joining too.

Friday 4 October 2024

Grants Pass update

Monday 23rd September

Quietish day - Scott and Lucy back at work while, apart from me doing a short growler fill cycle, Jo and I spent most of our time at Delsie Drive.

Tuesday 24th September

Lucy was off work today but Scott did a few hours in the morning, after which we all jumped in the truck and drove across to Medford to meet Barry and Helen. We picked them up at the airport then nipped over to nearby Kaleidoscope ( for pizzas and beer.

Barry and Helen did the reconnaissance tour back at Scott and Lucy's, unpacked a little and settled in for the evening, looking forward to 5 clear days in Southern Oregon.

Wednesday 25th September

After breakfast all 6 of us plus the dogs - Philly and Buster - set off for a short hike at the local Cathedral Hilla trails:

Now the decision was - which outlet shall we go to for drinks and pies - nearby in Grants Pass at Powderhorn Cafe or out in the Applegate Valley to Pennington Farm ( The latter won and we had lunch there, each couple sharing a savoury and a sweet pie - and, naturally, we took home a large strawberry rhubarb pie for us all to enjoy that evening.

Back in GP, I decided I needed a growler refill and Barry joined me in a short cycle downtown. While I was in PNW getting it filled, Barry stayed outside looking after the bikes. He chatted to a passing stranger who then jumped in to his car, then stopped again to engage Barry in further conversation about the monarchy. He was pretty opinionated and sounded off about Charles and Camilla and enquired about the Stone of Destiny. His next move alarmed Barry a little as he picked up his gun from the front passenger seat in a demonstration of what law-abiding Americans required.

Thursday 26th September

It was decided to take a longer drive today and go up Mount Ashland. The first part of the journey on the I-5 was easy but then we began to climb the winding mountain road. Finally, we arrived at the ski centre, some 7,500 feet above sea level where we had spectacular views across to still snow-topped Mount Shasta (14,000 feet) in neighbouring California:

The Pacific Crest trail - like the I-5 - goes all the way from Mexico to Canada - some 2,300 miles. Well, we managed 0.1% of that before jumping back in the truck and headed back down to the lovely town of Ashland for a spot of lunch and a stroll round the town.

Friday 27th September

A much shorter drive today over to historic Jacksonville, but without Jo who had a bad night with a rasping cough and aching limbs. The rest of us took the historic trolley ride round the town then had lunch on the balcony at La Fiesta (, a place that Jo and I had been to last year. On the drive back, we took the more scenic route through the Applegate Valley, stopping to sample one of the many wineries - We took our samplers - in test tubes - down to the riverside:

The drive from there took us past Pennington Farms again - we couldn't resist a quick pit stop to pick up another family strawberry rhubarb pie.

Saturday 28th September

Just 3 of us on today's adventure. Scott and Lucy had other matters to attend to and Jo still hadn't recovered sufficiently. Table Rock was the plan but we stopped on the way to take in the Ti'lomikh Falls:

We got a bit confused between the 2 Table Rocks but eventually made it to the trailhead at the Upper one. Very nice path - new stones and an easy zig-zag to the top where we took a walk around the lava-covered plateau with turkey vultures riding the thermals above us and with terrific views of the pointy Mount McLoughlin (9,500 feet):

One penance that had to be paid - it was Barry and Helen's first visit to USA after all - was a visit to the Oregon Vortex/House of Mystery ( It's a bit weird - Helen likened it to a school physics experiment.

For our penultimate meal as a group, we decided to eat out back:

Sunday 29th September

Still without Jo, who was a bit better but opted for another recovery day - a wise decision in hindsight - 5 of us headed out to Hellgate Canyon and beyond Galice for a hike out to Rainie Falls. We had hoped to take Barry and Helen on the jetboats ( down the Rogue River to Hellgate Canyon but the rides had stopped earlier than usual this year. We were able to stop at a spot en route overlooking the narrow canyon where films and TV shows had been made:

Next stop was Rainie Falls:

The walk to the Falls was 2 miles out and 2 miles back along a fairly narrow, dusty and eventually rocky, path. I had ditched the old sports shoes I had brought on holiday, thinking I could get one more year out of them, and was today wearing a pair of Scott's trainers - they definitely helped but my poor old knees struggled. I managed in the end - just:

Back in Grants Pass, Barry and Helen had insisted they wanted to take us all out for a meal - mostly to thank Scott and Lucy for their hospitality. We'd had a number of excellent meals at Delsie Drive, with Scott, as ever, the barbecue king, and Lucy on full support with salads, sides, wines etc. Now we were all dining out. After one false start we ended up at the Horny Goat (, which describes itself as a gastropub - and it pretty much lived up to that.

Monday 30th September

Scott and Lucy had a full day at work so they said their goodbyes to Barry and Helen, while Jo and I drove them to Medford airport and saw them get checked in and through security safely before we headed off on a shopping expedition to get me a new pair of shoes:

Tuesday 1st October

Barry had kept in touch and by the time we had breakfasted they were back home again. Jo and I had an easy day at Delsie Drive while Scott and Lucy were on catch-up hours at work.

Wednesday 2nd October

It was laundry day - including bed linen - but we had enough time in the afternoon to take the fairly short walk down to Schroeder Park and the Rogue river:

We used to do this walk regularly but didn't do it last year, nor in the 3 previous Covid years, so were amazed how much housing had been completed in our absence - it threw us off course briefly.

Thursday 3rd October (today)

Jo, feeling a little better, agreed to go for a walk this morning. We returned to the trails at Waters Creek - another place we hadn't been to for a few years. The start wasn't very promising:

We took heed but carried on, making sure we made enough noise to warn animals of our imminent arrival:

There may be a slight look of relief on my face at the end:

So that's it - a mammoth post, but we're back up to date again.

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