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Sunday 4 August 2013

USA 2013 (9)


Final day here in Grants Pass. Our flight leaves Medford at 6:50 pm tonight, but, before that, Scott's Mum, Dad & Sister arrive over here for a birthday lunch.

On Friday we hung around here - the skies were blue again, although there is still the smell of smoke and the ever-present threat of the wind changing and smoke smothering Grants Pass again. They say these fires could burn for months yet. When we first arrived in Vegas, the flames we saw in the mountains had apparently been burning for 4 months and still they couldn't control or contain them.

Cade's new laptop was acquired on Friday evening. We were dropped off at Southern Oregon Brewery whilst they shopped and then we were picked up and we all went for dinner to Red Lobster:

When we got up on Saturday morning, the living room was appropriately decorated for Cade's birthday:

We - or, rather, Cade - decided that a day in Eugene would be nice, so we got up and loaded the truck and hit the road, but, first of all, we took the opportunity to pose for the traditional holiday family photo:

Cade then suggested they do a silly face version of this - Scott and I declined:

When we got to the University town of Eugene, we walked round the Saturday market and Cade spotted a bonsai tree that he wanted to buy for his birthday, so thank-you Uncle Gary and Aunt Carole for this:

Braeden bought some berries. I thought at first that the type was mock-Scottish, but apparently Lockness is a real type of berry:

We had lunch at the Eugene City Brewery, and Cade and Braeden had root beers - not stout!:

Then we walked round the campus and took some photos:

The "Cas" deliberately obliterated
Next stop was the home of the Ducks:

Cade's request for dinner was Chinese at PF Chang's and here he is scoffing his birthday dessert:

So that's about it then for another year - although we will see them all again at Christmas in Scotland.

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