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Tuesday 21 April 2015

Tuesday - Inverurie? No

It's yet another fantastic day today. I've just come in from clearing the old mortar off the decorative bricks in our back garden before attempting to re-build the wall, and I'm having a quick cup of tea and a biscuit.

This afternoon, I'm off to Inverurie to pick up Luca from school - his parents are going to the cinema tonight, so he's staying here, instead of us feeding him over there, and we'll take him back to school in the morning.

Kelly FaceTimed on Friday morning. Jo had just headed off to Costco and missed her call, but it was nice to talk to Kelly - and get kisses from Miller. We're already thinking about our next trip Down Under, but we're waiting to see if we can get in to the Marriott Phuket Beach Club first of all, to break our journey. I went for my first post-retirement haircut on Friday before my physio appointment. I think Jo was slightly disappointed - she wanted me to put a pony-tail in! I got more ultrasound on my knee and my next appointment is this Thursday. It is improving, but very slowly. Jo was out for lunch with Anne, so I went for a run on my bike after the physio. My route took me past Knockburn Loch:

We also had our free tea/coffee and scones at Raemoir Garden Centre on Friday afternoon, and it gave Jo a chance to look at some of the trees she wants to buy. Whilst she studied the options, I sat in the sun reading my paper:

Saturday was a lazy day but we were out in the evening at the annual Malaysian Evening at the church. Lovely food and a good laugh.

Sunday was golf in the morning and the Sunday Times in the afternoon - a period of rest before what I knew was going to be a hard cycle on Monday afternoon - and so it turned out. It was a nice run, however, albeit involving a fair bit of climbing - all the way up through Scolty Woods to Shooting Greens and then down to Feughside and back via Mill of Cammie to Banchory. I relaxed in a hot bath afterwards before heading out on the bus to a CAMRA meeting in the evening.

I had to cut another notch in my belt last week - I think the leather is stretching.

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