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Friday 15 November 2013


It's exactly 2 weeks since my knee op and, for the first time, I feel almost human again. Whereas I couldn't be bothered with anything - especially last week - I feel ready to do things now, even if it's only sedentary for the time being. A sign of things improving?

The real tests come next week when I have 3 consecutive days of physio - one at Albyn sandwiched by two in Banchory mid-week. I need to keep up the exercises and get some external confirmation that I'm back on track.

I'm home alone this morning as Jo is at the West Church coffee morning - she bakes for all the "waifs and strays" as she calls them. Jo would normally then head off to Westhill for swimming and a Costco shop, but she didn't want to leave me on my own all day. I told her I would be OK, but she's not having any of it.

Kelly and I FaceTimed again this morning. She and Chris had just returned from a (quiet) night out at the cinema and a meal, with Chris' Mum babysitting. Kelly's still in a bit of a quandary about what to do for Christmas presents this year and she asked my advice. Who me? Haven't a clue, I'm afraid - I was less than helpful.

Changed the dressing again this morning, so this is how the wound looks now:

Discovered a new app for my phone today - Our City Radio - it plays local bands and it seems to be a global thing for most big cities. In Scotland, Aberdeen, Glasgow & Edinburgh are featured. I would imagine there might be one for Adelaide, although I suspect the nearest to Lucy would be Portland or SFO.

Enough for now - I'm off back to watch the golf from Dubai again.

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