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Tuesday 26 June 2012

2 weeks to go!


Yes, 2 weeks' today we head for USA - but first of all, I've got London this weekend, then Dumfries next weekend - it's all go.

What have I been up to for the last week? Well, some golf naturally - a pretty scary experience in the midst of a thunder and lightning storm at Tarland last Tuesday. Perhaps not the best protection standing under trees with a bag of induction agents (golf clubs) underneath a steel-tipped umbrella? We made up for it with a super afternoon at Kemnay on Friday - great fun, and we followed it with one of our Headbangs in the evening.

I cancelled golf on Saturday and stayed at home in the morning listening to Sounds of the 60's on Radio Two - we got another mention on the programme from Brian Matthews. I played my first game of squash for ages on Saturday afternoon and, in the evening, we watched the Hollywood version of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - I had wanted to see how it compared with the Swedish originals. It was pretty good, but it all seemed a little hurried to me - the book's a long one and it was like they were trying to cram every detail in to the film - I didn't get that feeling from the Swedish version.

My first hill-walk of 2012 was planned for Sunday morning, but early morning rain put a few of my fellow walkers off and we cancelled it at the last minute. I could have gone off to golf but decided instead to spend a lazy day with the Sunday Times.

Monday morning I was off to Fraserburgh, but I had to get back in time for our annual evening at Balmoral - and what a lovely one it was too.

So that's everyone up to date now.

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