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Monday 18 June 2012

Father's Day


We had a lovely late lunch/early dinner at the Potarch Hotel yesterday - Gary's treat - but Jo, Luca and Ross came long too. I was off duty and didn't take my camera, but Jo did - but will we ever see the photo she took?

One of Luca's paintings has been made in to a tea/coffee/beer mat and this was part of my present - it now sites proudly on my desk:

Perhaps not quite so proud is my Father's Day card from Gary:

I wouldn't say it was an obsession of Gary's but I do recall going to Denmark on business back in the mid/late 80's and I came across a town called Middelfart. Well, I had to buy a postcard and send it to Gary - even then it seems it was a subject that amused him!

Gary also took some photos of Luca and I attempting to lift the famous Dinnie Stones - perhaps we'll see them later?

This week, it's golf, golf, golf - Tarland tomorrow, Banchory Wednesday and Saturday and Kemnay Friday. We've also got a Headbang on Friday night, then a hill-walk on Sunday. Next week's worse - Balmoral Monday, Banchory Wednesday then off to London for my annual trip to Lord's followed by a gig. Just as well it's only 3 weeks' tomorrow until our trip to the States!

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