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Wednesday 6 October 2010

Wednesday woes


No real complaints today, so forgive the use of alliteration in the title. I had arranged to go to Fraserburgh this morning - Ross would drive me as Jo was heading back to Glasgow to pick up her dress for the wedding - it's annual Union negotiations, and, fortunately they went quite well.

We stopped off for lunch at the Mustard Seed coffee shop in New Deer of all places - it's attached to the church there. Very nice, but we were careful not to read any of the literature there - Jo might have appreciated it a bit more than us.

Ross bought what was advertised as "toffee", but, for those who don't have an affiliation with the North East, this would be described as "tablet" in the West of Scotland. Pure sugar.

Back home for the afternoon, I decided I would try and walk to the golf club for a beer - and I managed - eventually - not without some heart-stopping moments, but I got there - and back - OK.

Tomorrow is my first physio visit - and I've decided that I'm not going back to work this week - I can do stuff at home instead.

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