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Thursday 7 October 2010

Autumn Almanac


From the dew-soaked hedge creeps a crawly caterpillar,
When the dawn begins to crack.
It’s all part of my autumn almanac.
Breeze blows leaves of a musty-coloured yellow,
So I sweep them in my sack.
Yes, yes, yes, it’s my autumn almanac

The first verse of Ray Davies' famous song came to mind when I awoke early this morning and noticed the trees outside turning - it's coming to that time of year again.
I had my first appointment with physiotherapist Joan McLoughlin - Jo drove me up, but I said I would walk back home myself. Joan briefed me on what I should and shouldn't be doing. She was very happy with my left leg - it's coming along nicely - but my right leg is stiff and sore - I need to get more movement in it. Swinging from a table top and cycling from a static bike with an elevated saddle were suggested. Also, use my walking poles to support my bad leg.
So off I trotted down the hill back home, trying hard to walk properly like I was told - "no peg legs". Well, it didn't work - I made it home, but several times I pulled up in excruciating pain. It was a beautiful day and everyone seemed to be out walking - and they all spotted me, doubled up in pain. I assured them I was OK and I would make it home alright - and I did - but the sharp pains above my knee have increased in frequency and severity. I need to be very careful from here on in.
So that's been my day - I kept myself busy on the computer, reading and digitising some of my old LP's. Golf on the TV was from Kingsbarns, Carnoustie and St Andrews - all courses I know - and they looked terrific in the bright sunshine, so that helped pass a bit of time as well. Am I missing work? I'm missing the freedom to make that choice, that's for sure.
Sorry these blog postings are all medical reports just now, but that's all that's going on in my life just now - and I'm afraid it's likely to continue for a wee while yet.

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