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Tuesday 27 July 2010

Well, I woke up this morning ...


... and that was a good start. Yes, another day alive in the world - day number 22,224 to be exact. I could give you lots of other stats - but I certainly won't be telling you how many days to Christmas - I actually heard this mentioned on the radio yesterday, would you believe.

Much more important is the fact that it's only 94 days until the wedding of the year - and we still don't know where to go to get measured for our kilts etc - are you listening, Gary?

I'm in Fraserburgh today and I'm picking up Luca on the way back this afternoon. Jo's got the hairdressers this morning then she's planning a walk with Anne.

Our canning factory opened again yesterday after its annual 3 week summer shutdown, so things should get a bit busier again from now on - but there's still a lot of folk away on holiday, so it's not going be hectic for a while yet.

The business has been trying to change main bankers - but what a palaver it's been - dealing with 3 sets of lawyers - well two and a half actually - the outgoing bank (Bank of Scotland) are using the same legal firm as the incoming bank (Clydesdale) - but they have to maintain their professional integrity - Chinese walls - so there's no advantage to us. Don't start me - this has been rumbling on for weeks and seems no nearer to conclusion than it did a month ago. Cynicism and age go hand in hand - somebody's making money out of all this, but it's not us.

That's all for today folks.

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