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Thursday 29 July 2010

Wishing I Was Lucky


Yes - it looked like being Wet, Wet, Wet again yesterday, which would have been the 3rd Wednesday in a row that our midweek golf had been postponed. In the end, however, it turned out to be a rather pleasant evening - the heavy showers we had seen in Aberdeen earlier on were very localised and Banchory seemed to escape.

I had arrived home still feeling a bit under the weather and Jo wasn't keen on me going out to play golf, but I did - and it went very well - my best round of the season - and I felt a lot better after having done it. Win-win, as they say.

I was up early this morning and actually at my desk in Fraserburgh - 55 miles away - not long after 7:30 am. I had a lot to do this morning and was supposed to be heading back down to Aberdeen this afternoon for a meeting with our lawyers to sign off the final papers to change our main bankers - but - surprise, surprise - there's been a last minute glitch, so I've now apparently got a bit more time. I may just head home - perhaps I'll do as Gary suggested and pop in and see Carole and Luca on the way back.

Am I apprehensive about my angiogram tomorrow? I guess I am. I've done as instructed and cancelled plans for the weekend's activities, but I hope I'm OK from about Monday or Tuesday.

Haven't had any dates yet for the knee ops - the letters are overdue now. Might need to chase them up.

I think I'll finish with a bit of politics - probably because I've just been listening to the news. Our new P.M. has certainly been talking fairly bluntly on his world travels. His comments about Gaza last week and Pakistan yesterday are not the normal political rhetoric and seem to have caused a bit of a stir in Israel and Pakistan. I find it refreshing, however, that a political leader can state his views in a clear, concise way that is easily understood. I do hope it continues and he doesn't come under pressure to resort to political jargon.

Judging by the comments coming from Holyrood as well, it looks like my bus pass may become one of the first of a number of cuts in public spending. Oh well - I always thought it was a bit generous to offer this to all over 60, with no means testing and no contribution to the pass. Worse things happen at sea.

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