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Wednesday 25 November 2009

Wednesday wishes, woes and worries

Actually, the heading is a bit misleading - I don't really have too much to moan about today - but, if you like, I'll have a go. I'm feeling a lot brighter today, thank goodness. I just felt a bit under the weather the last couple of days, but it seems to have cleared. I actually made it along to the gym at lunchtime and did OK.

Tonight we have Luca again for a few hours whilst his parents do their thing(s). Luca would happily have stayed last night, but he had to go to the dentist with Carole this morning, so she picked up the reluctant one from ours about 7:30 pm and took him home to bed.

Jo's not blogging much - too busy sorting out Xmas etc. She bought 2 new clocks for our middle landing from Costco. Why, you ask? There's already one there. Well, one of them is set to Oregon time and the other to Adelaide time - that's why! Perhaps she'll let you all see them on her next blog posting.

I promised a moan - well, here it comes - banks again! They're playing footloose and fancy free with our business' money again. Trying to get them to do same day transfers without any hassle is almost impossible it seems. They seem to be the only businesses that haven't fully adapted to new technology. They're quick enough to debit you when you're trying to pay a supplier, but does that mean that the supplier gets credited just as quickly? Does it heck as like!

Forgot to report that I finished the Whicker's War audiobook the other day. He's a good writer and narrator, with a clever way with words - even although the subject matter isn't what I would normally want to listen to.

It's all gone quiet out there - come on, you lot!

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