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Friday 27 November 2009

Moping my way to the weekend

Played squash last night - it was good and I felt fine. We watched the first episodes in the brand new series of Gavin and Stacey and QI and eventually I fell asleep, only to be woken in the early hours by a nagging ache in my jaw. Oh no, not toothache again!

The dentist managed to squeeze me in and did an X-ray of the offending tooth, which showed an abscess building up. I was offered 3 options - antibiotics; attempt to remove and replace filling; or extract - I chose the latter, so here I am, sitting in the office with a mouth full of blood, not really wanting to eat or drink.

I've been given a prescription for antibiotics in case the infection doesn't drain properly and the wound doesn't heal as it should over the weekend. No alcohol either - and tonight I'm going to the Lemon Tree to see the Animals and the Spencer Davis Group - bah!

Francis (Clark) was away shooting the other day down at Fasque and came back with a carload of pheasants, so he's had them plucked and has given me a couple - I've forewarned Jo - let's see what she can come up with!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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