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Tuesday 9 July 2019

Wet week

It's Tuesday and it poured this morning and there's worse forecast for the next couple of days - thunder and lightning - not a lot of fun when you're supposed to be golfing.

This is the first week of the Aberdeenshire school holidays so we're not heading to Inverurie this afternoon - or for the next few weeks. Luca is with his Mum down south visiting family this week, but he's with us next week. In Adelaide, the school term has come to an end as well - it was Miller's last day at Braehead Primary - he'll be starting at Noarlunga when they go back, which will be a nice short walk from their new home. Miller's school published a photo of his class on his last day at Braehead:

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Pacific, the Lesinas travelled to Coos Bay for a friend's wedding:

When we saw Braeden back in April, it seemed to us he had grown massively since last year, broadening out substantially, but this photo makes him look slimmer again. What's going on?

I went for my second round of blood tests yesterday and was surprised to get a phone call from Dr. McCrone as early as 9 am this morning, which initially set me on edge - what could be wrong? It transpired nothing was wrong - all my blood results were absolutely fine. When I saw him yesterday, he also took time to examine me physically and he said then that all seemed well internally as far as he could tell. The pain I have been experiencing in the right kidney area he put down to a possible trapped nerve. He pointed out we get a little shorter as we age and there now wasn't much gap between my rib cage and my pelvis and he feels somehow a nerve has got squeezed.

I hope his assessment is right and that the pain will gradually dissipate. One outstanding matter concerns the result of the blood test for thyroid function - that should be in in the next couple of days. In any event, it looks like this is something that is going to have to be checked more regularly.

Bye for now.

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