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Sunday 29 January 2017

Counting down

It's Monday morning here in Adelaide and it's now just a week until we leave here and head for Brisbane then home after a few days' R & R. It's been all action, however - first there was Australia Day on Thursday, then we had our weekend down in Carrickalinga.

We went to Civic Park in Tea Tree Gully where they had a huge water slide set up, but the lines were so long, we didn't bother. Miller and his cousin Abi went on the bouncy castle and we all had ice creams - from New Zealand, of all places. Here's Chris and brother Matt and kids:

Chris, Miller and I formed the advance party down south on Friday, whilst Jo stayed in Semaphore with Asher and waited for Kelly to finish work.

Early on Saturday morning, Jo and I went for a walk along the beach:

Later on, all of us spent some time on the beach and in the water. Then, in the afternoon, 5 of us drove back to Myponga and the lovely little Smiling Samoyed microbrewery. Matt BBQ'd for us in the evening.

So, today (Monday), we're meeting up with John and Lorraine McDonald from Banchory, who have been spending the weekend in Adelaide. Not sure where we'll end up for lunch, but it could be a long one.

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