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Saturday 17 January 2015

End of first week

Leaving a sick baby behind, Jo and I took Chris' car on Friday and headed south to our timeshare in Normanville, stopping first of all at the Old Salopian Inn for lunch:

Our apartment is a ground floor one bedroom one, overlooking the pool and golf course, with a distant sea view:

On Saturday morning, we decided to go for a long beach walk:

Normanville Pier
 At the far end of the beach, there was a small steep hill, which I climbed up:

It was 4.6 miles to this point and we needed to get back to Normanville for lunch. We had a huge meal of 6 plates of various sizes of tapas at the Courthouse - very nice, but we still had another mile or so to walk back to our complex, taking our total walk up to over 9 miles. We knew already that dinner would be a light one again after such a heavy lunch, so we went out in the car to stock up with beer and buy some eggs. The Myponga Brewery was our first stop:

Today (Sunday), Chris' parents, David and Lorene are coming over to see us this afternoon. Otherwise no plans. Jo has had a bad cough for the last few days - it gets worse at night when she barks away. Jo reckons she now has mucus in her stomach which will affect her appetite - that might be a blessing in disguise.

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