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Tuesday 7 October 2014

Eye update

My GP took one look at my eye yesterday and said I'd had some kind of trauma. Did anything hit my eye? Not that I could remember, but there's a very visible ulcer there. The Medical Practice doesn't have specialist eye examination equipment, but she made an appointment at the optician for this morning and they could have a closer look at it there. She prescribed a course of 1% cream which is apparently twice as strong as the eye drops I had been taking.

I got home and told Jo and she said yes - I saw the ulcer mark too. Thanks for telling me dear!

Well I've been to the optician this morning and she was able to use all the eye specialist equipment that the GP's don't have. She eventually put some anaesthetic in my eye and then took a needle to remove what she discovered was dead cells to have a closer look at the ulcer underneath.

She was going to send me to the Eye Clinic at the Infirmary and phoned them to make an appointment for me, but the phone call went on for about 10 minutes, after which she said I didn't need to go there after all - they wanted me to have a few more days on the eye cream antibiotic and then assess it again, so I've to go back on Thursday.

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