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Wednesday 8 October 2014

Eye eye

Wednesday - day 3 of the heavier dose of 1% Chloramphenicol cream for my eye, and tomorrow it's back to the optician who will decide whether the treatment is working or not, with the threat of sending me to the Eye Clinic if it's not.

It feels slightly better and I don't think the eye is as bloodshot as it was - although Jo says the bag(s) under my right eye is/are looking puffier. Here's a couple of gruesome before and after (putting cream on) shots:

Difficult to take photos of your own eye - you can't properly see the area where the ulcer is, which is to the right of my eye (the left as you look at it).

Before that, I've got a visit to my GP in the morning - a follow-up to my recent examination by the cardiologist - and his recommendation that it's time to change from Aspirin - but to what? Back to Warfarin, or one of the new drugs like Riveroxaban ( I still don't know what's best for me. Warfarin needs constant monitoring - back and forth to the GP/Nurse to check levels, but has an antidote - which still didn't help Mum after her fall, as the coagulant still took too long to stop the bleeding on her brain before they could operate. The new breed of drugs don't yet have an antidote - you just have to wait until coagulation occurs naturally.

I'm also considering asking for a referral to my knee surgeon again to have a look at my left knee, which is playing up occasionally. Best to do this now whilst I still have private health insurance - once I'm fully retired, this option will be gone.

If the weather's OK in the morning - thankfully it's dry now after 36 hours of heavy rain - I might manage to get out for a quick cycle. Perhaps squeeze in a haircut too some time.

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