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Thursday 31 July 2014

Still no storms

Despite all the fears, we still haven't had any storms, but we're sitting outside just now after dinner and we've noticed a couple of helicopters with water buckets flying past so there must be some fires breaking out nearby.

It's been hot again however - three triple digit temperature days in a row. I went out for a cycle again this morning (check and my cycling blog) but otherwise nobody has done much around Delsie Drive today - at least not until Lucy and Scott came home from work and provided Tequila Sunrise and BBQ'd chicken respectively for Jo and I.

We had lunch at Cartwright's Deli ( - nice place and a great selection of beers to refill my growler.

Yesterday, I accidentally "busted" Cade & Braeden. Cade's pal Jacob was staying over and they spent some time in the pool - mostly jumping off the roof of the shed. This was something that was strictly taboo last year, but the brazen way they did it this year - even posing for the camera - suggested to me that it was now an approved practice. I was wrong - but here they are in action anyway:

Braeden's a bit more subdued than Cade.

I forgot to show you the welcome we receive every year:

That's all for now.

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