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Friday 8 March 2013

Health report


Well, I had my appointment with my GP this morning and he has now referred me to the knee specialist again. I was amazed when he told me it was two and a half years since my arthroscopies - I had thought it was only 18 months!

We spoke about the bowing in my bones and he assured me that a new knee would take this in to account and somehow re-align things to alleviate the ongoing pain. The lifespan is only 10-15 years so I asked him if I should have done this earlier? He gave me a very firm no to this - he said I was right to put it off as long as I can. I told him I was still undecided and he understood and said I should have a long chat about the pros and cons with the surgeon, and he reminded me that any operation is not without risk.

So, while I was doing that, Jo was at the optician's - wonder how she got on? Will find out later, no doubt. She has been complaining about her eyesight for a while with none of her glasses quite cutting the mustard for her now.

Yes, I had a very nice birthday tea on Wednesday. Gary and Luca came along, armed with a huge chocolate cake that Gary had baked - and very nice it was too. After they left, Ross gave me some specialist beers he'd bought for me and we shared a couple.

Jo's present - a nice sleeveless pullover - arrived yesterday. Nice colour, but hard to describe - no doubt they've got a special name for it. The Lesinas also sent me a package that arrived yesterday - 2 beers and lots of chocolate - as if I needed fattening up!

Got a game of squash last night and then went home and we watched Argo - pretty good, we thought. The memories of the Iranian siege of the US Embassy in Teheran over 30 years ago came flooding back.

I took the South Deeside Rd to work this morning and drove along the beach road and there was white froth blown up on to the road. I looked at the sea and it was as if somebody had put some soap powder in it. I stopped to photograph it but it didn't come out too well on camera:

So tomorrow I'm off to Stonehaven to catch the train down to Glasgow for the Wilko Johnson concert. Weather and time permitting, we'll take in the Jags match v. Dumbarton when, conceivably, they could even go back to the top of the table, given a fair wind. We travel back first thing Sunday, so no golf for me then, but it looks like being a cold weekend again anyway.

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