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Monday 13 August 2012

Sleeping again


Yes - I think my sleeping pattern is pretty much back to normal again. Each night last week, I got about an hour more than the night before, and then, this morning, I slept in a bit - never awoke until ten to seven. Mind you, I think this was mostly brought on by a fairly stiff walk I did yesterday - my first outing on the hills since the Lake District last year. (details on - it demonstrated that I badly needed the exercise as it's only just over 4 weeks until I'm going back there again for another walking weekend.

Yesterday was the first time I had walked with my orthotic wedges in my walking boots. I had wondered how it might be, but it seems the wedges are still working as I don't have any of the awful pain I used to get after walking - only the usual stiffness etc - plus a bit of discomfort on the soles of my feet - a relatively small price to pay. Of more concern is my cardio condition - I know I'm not very fit now, as my exercise has tailed off with each passing year - but it was certainly a struggle up the last bit of Pressendye yesterday. My main concern is holding back my pals, who have to wait for me to get my breath back before I start off again.

Enough of that - what else has happened since my last posting? Well, I golfed on Wednesday night again - nice to see all the lads again. Also nice to watch a bit of live Olympics at the right time of day/night - but it's all over now. It'll be interesting to see what the aftermath is like for the economy and the country, but it certainly seemed to go very well.

On Saturday, I drove down to Johnstone to play with brother-in-law Brian in his club's Members' Invitational event. I didn't play well, but Brian was pretty steady. He's coming back up this week to play in Banchory's Invitational - we'll see how he does up here - like me at Cochrane Castle, he's never really done well when playing Banchory.

Jo came down with me and spent the afternoon with Mary, and the two of them popped out to see Julie for a brief while.

After yesterday's walk, Gary, Carole and Luca came over for tea - that was nice. Luca's now staying with us for a few days, so Jo will be kept even busier. We handed out the holiday presents, including an Oregon Ducks t-shirt for Luca. Of course, we bought American size, which turned out to be a bit on the large side for little Luca just now:

Luca was amused - as was his Gran. He's grown since we were away - but not that much. I don't think he's going to be a footballer - at least, not an American one! I guess the t-shirt is one for the drawer just now!

Luca's latest creation with the play bricks was photographed - he was very proud of it and wanted to make sure we had a record of it:

This week? Golf tie tonight, then (corporate) golf outing at Meldrum House tomorrow afternoon, followed by our pre-penultimate midweek Quaich golf on Wednesday, and more golf on Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday - whew! I've got a lot of catching up to do.

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