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Monday 2 August 2010

Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show


Not exactly the Hot August Night that Neil Diamond sang about nearly 40 years ago - in fact, it almost feels autumnal today - it looks a bit dark and gloomy outside. Mind you, the evening is marching on - Jo has been on the phone to Lucy for the last couple of hours, so I guess tea's going to be late tonight. Gary might be popping in - hope he's not hungry.

Speaking of Neil Diamond reminds me of our holiday in Branson, Missouri several years ago. It was billed as America's entertainment capital, but, just before we went, we met John and Jane Taylor who had been the year before - they warned us we were far too young to be going there - and they were right. Poor Kelly - she was with us and must have wondered what she had come to - we certainly did.

I remember we went to see the Platters - well, one of the franchises going by that name anyway - and everyone stood up and sang - and saluted - the Stars and Stripes before the show. We felt like spies or traitors, not knowing the words.

Our next show was a Neil Diamond tribute act - how awful it was. What possessed me to go and see this show I'll never know - I don't even like Neil Diamond! Perhaps it was a bit of Hobson's Choice.

Another holiday memory was the first time we went to USA just after Lucy went over - the late 90's it would be. Lucy was due to get a job in Oklahoma so we booked a holiday in nearby Arkansas. Of course, that job never happened and Lucy ended up in Redding, California - half a continent away, but we were committed to Arkansas by this time, so off we went.

Once we got over the cultural shock of holidaying in the Bible Belt - the county we were in was a dry one and there was a church every hundred yards or so, it seemed - all in the middle of nowhere - we actually had a good time and have fond memories of that holiday. Ross must have been there, but not sure if Kelly was or not?

One day we went to the local Ozark Folk Center. It all came back to me this weekend when I was watching re-runs of Tony Palmer's series from the 70's on popular music - All You Need is Love. Each week, a different strand of music is featured and I was watching this one on country music and thought I recognised something - yes, it was the Ozark Folk Center. That was the place where I was hauled up on stage and asked to dance with one of the singers - how embarrassing. Here's a short extract from the film, showing the Center:

I started writing this entry last night, but never managed to upload the video at home, so I just decided to finish it off in the office this morning.

Gary did make it over last night and we are getting some progress on the wedding plans - no doubt Gary will reveal all in his blog today.

Well, it's now Tuesday morning and I'm feeling fine so I've decided I can allow myself to go and play golf for the Banchory Seniors at Montrose today. Jo's made me promise to stop if I feel too tired - and I will.

Have a good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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Is this possible?

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